Laparoscopic GI Surgeries
- Esophagus
- Laparoscopic Fundoplication- Nissen’s Dor’s Toupet’s
- Heller’s mystory (laporoscopic)
- Colonic Transposition for corrosive ingestion
- Stomach
- Lap Gastrojejunostomy
- Lap Total Gastrectomy /subtotal Gastractomy
- Feeding Gastrostomy (Endoscopic)
- Intestine
- Lap stricturoplasty (for stricture segments )
- lap Appendicectomy
- lap meckel’s Diverticulectomy
- Gall Bladder & Billiary Tree
- Lap cholecystectomy.
- Lap CD (choledochoduodenostomy)
- Lap HJ (Hepatico Jejunostomy)
- liver
- lap Hepatic Resection (Right sided Hepatectomy)
Extended Right. Hepatectomy Left Hepatectomy
- Heydatid Cyst Marsupialization(laparoscopic)
- Spleen Lap Spleenectomy
- Pancreas
- Laparoscopic Necrosectomy
- Lap LPJ (lateral Pancreatico Jejunostomy)
- Lap Frey’s procedure (Head coring with pancreaticojejeunostomy)
- Whipple’s Surgery (Total pancreatico deodenostomy)
- Pseudocyst – Lap Cystogastrostomy
Lap Roux En y cysto Jejunostomy
- Urinary System (Uro Surgeries)
- Lap Nephrectomy
- Lap Anderson hyens Pyeloplasty
- Lap urethrolithotomy
- Lap pyelollithotomy
- TURP – Trans Urethral Resection of prostate