GI Onco-Surgeries

  1. Oesophagus
    • Lver lewis Esophagectomy (three-stage)
    • Distal Esophagectomy & Esophago Jejunostomy
  2. Stomach
    • Total Gastrectomy
    • Subtotal Gastrectomy
    • Billroth tupe 1 and 2 gastrectomies
  3. Small and large intestine
    • Left sided Hemicolectomy
    • Right sided Hemicolectomy
    • Extended right sided Hemicolectomy
    • Extended left sided Hemicolectomy
  4. Rectal Surgeries
    • AR: Anterior Resection
    • APR Abdomino Perineal Resection
    • Hartman’s Procedure (Procto colectomy with end sigmoidostomy )
  5. Peri Ampulary carcinoma- (Head of Pancreas CBD and cholangio carcinomas) whipple’s procedure
  6. Gall Bladder and cholangiocarcinoma- Lap Cholecystectomy with Hepatic resection